Petersburg ISD Job Opportunities
If you would like to apply for a position at Petersburg ISD, please fill out the proper application below and return to the campus main office.
Current Positions Available
In accordance with Title IX, the district does not discriminate on the basis of sex and is required not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs or activities. The requirement not to discriminate extends to employment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX may be referred to the district's Title IX coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education, or both.
Inquiries about the application of the Title IX to employment should be referred to Title IX Coordinator, Superintendent, at 806-667-3585.
De acuerdo con el Título IX, el distrito no discrimina por motivos de sexo y está obligado a no discriminar por motivos de sexo en sus programas o actividades educativas. El requisito de no discriminar se extiende al empleo. Las consultas sobre la aplicación del Título IX pueden remitirse al coordinador del Título IX del distrito, al Subsecretario de Derechos Civiles del Departamento de Educación, oa ambos. Las consultas sobre la aplicación del Título IX al empleo deben remitirse al Coordinador del Título IX, Superintendente, al 806-667-3585.